Dr. Abdullatif A.Al-Shuhail   
Associate Professor 
Texas A&M Univ. USA 1998
Research Interests:
Seismic Data Acquisition & Processing.
Reservoir characterization     
Near-surface Seismology
Dr. Wail A. Mousa  
Associate Professor & Asst. Dean Entrepreneurship Institute 
Research Interests:
Digital Signal and Image Processing with applications to Geophysics, Geology and Petro-Physics, Digital Filters Design, Pattern Recognition and Classification with applications to Geophysical and Geological Data.
Mr. Abdullah Al-Battal
Lecturer at EE dept.
Research Interests:
Digital Signal & Image Processing with applications in Seismic Exploration & Medical Imaging
Research Partners
Dr. Basheer
Research Interests:
Digital Signal and Image Processing with applications to Geophysics, Geology and Petro-Physics, Digital Filters Design, Pattern Recognition and Classification with applications to Geophysical and Geological Data.
Dr. Saleh
Research Interests:
Digital Signal and Image Processing with applications to Geophysics, Geology and Petro-Physics, Digital Filters Design, Pattern Recognition and Classification with applications to Geophysical and Geological Data.
Mr. Arbab Latif
Mr. Yahiya Naveed
Mr. Haroon Ashraf
Mr. Syed Abul Salam
Mr. Mohammed Shahabuddin
Mr. Paul Irikefe Edigbue
Graduate Student, Earth Sciences Dept.

E-mail: g201305630@kfupm.edu.sa
Mr. Khalid Abdulrahman
Graduate Student, Earth Sciences Dept.

E-mail: khalidaaq@kfupm.edu.sa
Mr. Peter
PATENTS (Issued and Filed)
    • [P1].C. Barajas-olalde, W. A. Mousa, A. Ennaifer & P. Ligneul, "Apparatus and methods for attenuation seismic noise associated with atmospheric pressure fluctuations", US patent no. 2011/0075514 A1, 31st March 2011
    • [P2].H. N. Al-Duwaish, Z. M. Al-Hamouz, W. A. Mousa, M. A. Al-Absi and S. A. Zummo, "Contamination Monitoring of High Voltage Insulators", US patent no. 2011/00242313 A1, 6thOctober 2011
    • [P3].Al-Shuhail, A. A.,  Interferometric Enhancement of Microseismic Events (U.S. Patent and Trade Office number 20,130,003,499, 2013) - Sole-Inventor.
    • [P4].Alshuhail, Abdulrahman, Aldawood, Ali, and Al-Shuhail, Abdullatif, Super-Virtual Borehole Sonic Interferometry    (U.S. Patent and Trade Office number 20,130,261,976, 2013)
    • [P5]. Mousa, W. M. and Al-Shuhail, A. A.. Enhancement of First Arrivals using the τ-p Transform on Energy-Ratio Seismic Shot Records    (Filed with the U.S. Patent Office in August 2012) 
    • [P6]. Mousa, W. A. and Al-Shuhail, A. A., Ultrasound Imaging Tool for Rock Cores (Filed with the U.S. Patent Office in August 2012
    • [P7]. Al-Shuhail, A. A. and Popoola, A. K., Transmission Amplitude Variation with Offset (TAVO) (Filed with the U.S. Patent Office in December 2012)
    • [P8]. Al-Shuhail, A. A. and  Kaka, S. I., Seismic Interferometry with Increased Signal-to-Noise Ratio (Filed with the U.S. Patent Office in June 2013)
  1. Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2002. Refraction Static Correction in a Layer of Unconsolidated Sand: Effect of a Vertical Velocity Profile: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 11:383-396. (Click here to view the Abstract)
  2. Al-Shuhail, A. A., Hariri, M.H., and Makkawi, M.H., 2004.  Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Delineate Fractures in the Rus Formation, Dammam Dome, Eastern Saudi Arabia: International Geology Review, 46:91-96.
  3. Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2004.  A FORTRAN Program to Determine Fracture Principal Axes from Multi-azimuthal Seismic P-wave AVO Data: Computers & Geosciences, 30:313-318.
  4. Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2004.  Estimation of Fracture Porosity Using Azimuthal P-Wave AVO: A Case Study in the Austin Chalk, Gonzales County, Texas: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 12:315-326
  5. Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2004.  Estimation of Sand Dune Thickness with a Vertical Velocity Profile: The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 29 (2A):145-153.
  6. Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2006.  Mapping the Surface of a Shallow Groundwater System using the GPR: A Case Study in Eastern Saudi Arabia: The Leading Edge, 25:738-740.
  7. Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2007.  Fracture Porosity Inversion from P-wave AVOA Data along 2-D Seismic Lines: An Example from the Austin Chalk of Southeast Texas: Geophysics, 72:B1-B7.
  8. Makkawi, M.H. and Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2007.  A Cost-Effective Method to Map the Top of Shallow Groundwater Systems: Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, 25:67-70.
  9. Adetunji, A. Q., Al-Shuhail, A. A., and Korvin, G., 2008. Mapping the internal structure of sand dunes with GPR: A case history from the Jafurah sand sea of eastern Saudi Arabia: The Leading Edge, 27: 1446-1452
  10. Al-Shuhail, A. A. and Al-Shaibani, A. M., 2009. Seismic investigation of two coastal sabkhas, eastern Saudi Arabia: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 18: 329-345
  11. Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2011.  Direct-Arrival Velocity Estimation by the Linear Moveout: Case Studies in Saudi Arabia: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 8:524-530
  12. Mousa, W. M., Al-Shuhail, A. A., and Al-Lehyani, A. F., 2011. A new technique for first-arrival picking of refracted seismic data based on digital image segmentation: Geophysics, 76:V79-V89
  13. Mousa, W. M. and Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2012.  Enhancement of first arrivals using the τ-p transform on energy-ratio seismic shot records: Geophysics, 77: V101–V111.
  14. Alqahtani, F. and Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2012.  Imaging subtle faults using azimuthal coherence attribute: a case study from Central Saudi Arabia: GeoArabia, 17: 43-54.
  15. Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2013. Estimation of Velocity Function Parameters in Unconsolidated Sands using Semblance Velocity Analysis: Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 6: 549-556
  16. Al-Shuhail, A. A. and Al-Shaibani, A. M., 2013. Characterization of Sabkha Jayb Uwayyid, eastern Saudi Arabia using Seismic Refraction Profiling: Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 6: 845-855.
  17. Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2013. Seismic Array Response in the Presence of a Dipping Shallow Layer: Signal, Image and Video Processing, 7: 263-274.
  18. Al-Shuhail, A. A., Kaka, S. I, and Jervis, M., 2013. Enhancement of Passive Microseismic Events Using Seismic Interferometry: Seismological Research Letters, 84: 781-784
  19. Al-Lehyani, A. F. and Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2014. Mapping And Attenuation Of Surface Waves Side Scattered By Near-Surface Diffractors: Arabian Journal Of Geosciences, 7:  757-771.
  20. Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2015. Improving automatic first-arrival picking by supervirtual interferometry: Examples from Saudi Arabia: Arabian Journal of Geosciences, DOI. 10.1007/s12517-015-1804-9.
  1. Mousa, W. M. and Al-Shuhail, A. A., 2011. Processing Surface Seismic Reflection Data using MATLAB: Morgan & Claypool Publishers, California, USA, ISBN: 9781608457922 (paperback), 9781608457939 (e-book)
  2. Al-Shuhail, A. A., Al-Dossary, S. A, and Mousa, W. M., 2015. Digital Image Processing for Seismic Data Analysis: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, New Jersey, USA, (in preparation).
  3. W. A. Mousa, "Advanced Digital Signal Processing of Seismic Data", Cambridge University Press, under preparation.